ScienceSeaWorld Continues Struggle To Overcome Negative Publicity Brought By Documentary 'Blackfish' At the wake of the Blackfish documentary that depicted the story of one of the killer whales in the theme park, SeaWorld continues to struggle in overcoming negative publicity, as well as problems that had Alyssa Navarro
CultureForget Jaws, This Video of Orcas Chasing a Speedboat Will Really Give You Ocean Nighmares [Video]by Jan Dizon
ScienceConservationists Urging Public To Help Survey By Reporting Whale And Dolphin Sightingsby Rina Marie Doctor
ScienceOregon Town Tries Using Fake Orca To Scare Away Sea Lions - The World's First Scaresealion?by James Maynard
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'