TechOpenAI Bots Now Able To Beat Humans In DOTA 2 Team Matches: Breakthrough For Artificial Intelligence OpenAI developed AI-powered bots that are now able to beat humans in 5-on-5 'Dota 2' matches. Known as the OpenAI Five, the bots will take on the best 'Dota 2' players in the world in this year's The Aaron Mamiit
TechThe World's Best 'DOTA 2' Players Are No Match For A Bot: What Does This Mean For The Future Of AI?by Aaron Mamiit
TechMicrosoft Partners With Elon Musk-Backed OpenAI To Democratize Artificial Intelligence: What Does This Mean?by Alexandra Burlacu
Tech Founder Trapped In Self-Driving Taxi as It Repeatedly Circles Parking Lot Instead of Taking Him to Airport: 'Has This Been Hacked?'