TechMicrosoft Vertical Tabs Roll Out for v89 Update with Sleep Tab Feature Ensuring Maximum Performance Microsoft adds vertical tabs along with the v89 update along with other neet features like the Sleeping Tab that aims to make Edge run Urian B.
TechMicrosoft Garage Releases Group Transcribe, an AI-Powered App for Group Transcriptionsby Joen Coronel
Tech0day Attack: US Issues 'High-Alert' Warning on Using Microsoft After Alleged China Hackby Isaiah Alonzo
Tech'Pokemon GO' HoloLens First Look: A More Realistic Version from Niantic and Microsoftby Giuliano J. de Leon
CultureMicrosoft Reveals 'Halo Infinite's' Content, To Come Soon on XBox, PC This Fallby Joen Coronel
TechMicrosoft Surface Duo 2 Upgrades Feature Machine-Learning, AI-Powered Camera and 5Gby Joen Coronel
TechMicrosoft COVID-19 Vaccine Tools: 'Fallen Short' and Hit Scheduling Problems in Iowa, New Jersey, and MORE!by Isaiah Alonzo
TechBethesda Faces Lawsuit Because of Fallout 4 Season Pass? Microsoft's Zenimax Acquisition Expected to be Delayedby Joen Coronel
Tech Founder Trapped In Self-Driving Taxi as It Repeatedly Circles Parking Lot Instead of Taking Him to Airport: 'Has This Been Hacked?'