Microsoft 365 Compliance Center: Detecting Abuse Through Filtering Profanities is Possible? What's Up with This Mechanism?

Remote working has opened a lot of advantages for the people, but some disadvantages formed during the transition. One of them is the growing abuse that happens between employees.

Since there are no known means that could detect offensive messages or threats created by the employees, Microsoft has come up with a new system that could filter any unnecessary posts or comments within a company.

Microsoft Roadmap Reveals Upcoming Support to Filter Profanities

Microsoft Profanity Filter Now on its Way--Roadmap Shows it Supports 7 Languages For Threat, Harrassment As Well
Keira Burton from pexels

According to the company's roadmap, it seems that Microsoft will now make use of the classifiers, which will be essential for the detection of profane words in the form of targeted harassment and threat.

Furthermore, the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center's trainable classifiers will support several languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, Portuguese, and French.

This will ensure that many countries can use a wide range of features. In the future, it could also extend its support by adding other languages.

The current status of the feature from the roadmap is still in development. May 2021 is the indicated release date, so we could expect it to become available in the next few months.

What Are Harassment, Profanity, and Threat Classifiers?

Verbal abuse could be as traumatizing as physical and mental abuse. Other workers could experience fear and trauma by absorbing threats and other profane statements, especially when the words come from their co-workers, who they talk to on a regular basis.

According to a report by Tech Radar, the collaboration tools now pave the way for easy communication at work. However, this could also be used by an employee to abuse his/her colleague privately.

In this case, remote working is heavily seen as the underlying period when abuses happen at work. Since there are no face-to-face interactions, people become more used to being more vocal in virtual communication.

To solve this issue, the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center created a feature for the business to look after its employees' relations with their colleagues. With the addition of highly-enhanced classifiers, identifying the exact problem and providing the most appropriate solution to the issue will now be better.

"A classifier learns how to identify a type of content by looking at hundreds of examples of the content you're interested in classifying. The classifier then makes predictions as to whether any given item falls into the category you're building." Microsoft said in a blog post.

For targeted abuse, the harassment classifier can identify the type of abuse inflicted on an individual, regardless of nationality, gender, race, skin color, age, sexual orientation, and more.

On the other hand, the classifiers concerning threat and profanity are more straightforward than the first classifiers. They are generated for the identification of vulgar languages and "swear" words.

For this feature, the company assures that the new filters will not harm the business's efforts to get rid of the company's abuse. It turns out that what Microsoft is doing is an advanced step to drive away from the possible abuses in the future for the firms.

This article is owned by Tech Times

Written by Joen Coronel

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