TechMicrosoft Teases New Windows 11 Dev Channel Build: Fixes, New Features, More Microsoft reveals a preview of their upcoming Windows 11 Dev Channel update and list of fixes. A new Windows 11 update will soon arrive, so here is a preview of the new fixes and Andi C.
TechPentagon Awards Google, Amazon, Oracle, and Microsoft $9 Billion Contracts to Build a Cloud Computing Network for the US Militaryby Inno Flores
CultureNintendo Consoles to get ‘Call of Duty’ Games Thanks to Microsoft, Steam Also Gets Extensionby Isaiah Richard
TechMicrosoft Plans to Launch 'Call of Duty' to Nintendo Consoles, Draws Mixed Reactions From Fansby Andi C.
TechMicrosoft Claims Hackers Use Obsolete Boa Software to Hijack Electrical Infrastructureby Trisha Kae Andrada
TechMicrosoft Launches Windows Holographic Version 22H2 Focused on IT Management Improvementby Joseph Henry
TechCEO Nadella: Microsoft Aims to Encourage Greater Competition Among Game Makersby Trisha Kae Andrada
TechNvidia, Microsoft to Build an AI Supercomputer—Aims to Deliver the ‘First Public Cloud’ with its Techby Isaiah Richard