CultureHeads Up, PC Players: Microsoft Will Let You Play ‘Halo: The Master Chief Collection’ Early PC gamers will get to play 'Halo: The Master Chief Collection' ahead of release as part of Microsoft’s 'Halo' Insider Program. Things will kick off with 'Halo: Reach' first, followed by the other titles later Carl Velasco
CultureYou Can Now Stream PC Games On Your Xbox One And Play Them With A Controller, Too: Here’s Howby Carl Velasco
TechLatest Windows 10 Update Causes Lag In Games, Microsoft Advises Update Uninstall As Quick Fixby Derek Rota
TechMicrosoft Workers Demand Tech Giant End US Army Contract To Use HoloLens AR Technology In Warfareby Allan Adamson
TechSkype Introduces Automatic Background Blur So Colleagues Won’t See Your Embarrassing Bedroomby Carl Velasco
CultureHere's How To Play 'Sea Of Thieves' For Free This Week Via Its 'Friends Play Free' Promoby Vincent Lanaria