ScienceLaser Used To Shoot Audio Signals Directly Into Human Ear From A Distance A team of researchers developed a technique that can transmit any kind of audio, including music and messages, to a person's ear using laser. The technique does not require a special device to receive Diane Samson
ScienceResearchers In China Are Building A Dangerously Powerful Laser That Can 'Rip Apart Empty Space'by Aaron Mamiit
ScienceMETI Scientists Planning To Send Radio Signals To Closest Earth-like Exoplanet Proxima B To Initiate Alien Contactby Kalyan Kumar
ScienceScientists Made This Laser Using Human Blood, And It Might Help Fight Cancer In The Futureby Kalyan Kumar
ScienceNew Laser Can Make Materials Hotter Than The Sun In 20 Quadrillionths Of A Second (Yes, That's Really Fast)by Ted Ranosa
TechNexus 6P Owners, Think Twice: Some Third-Party Cases Are Blocking Laser Auto-Focusby Aaron Mamiit
Healthy Living/WellnessGoodbye Blade Cuts: Futuristic Skarp Razor Allows You to Shave Your Hair With Lasersby Katrina Pascual