CultureWatch the spread of culture across the globe in a matter of minutes Based on data from, a new animation charting the birthplace and death location of more than 120,000 of history's greatest minds shows how culture spreads over time in a way that looks like a work of Cameron Koch
ScienceOrigin of 18th century ship found in debris of World Trade Center finally explainedby James Maynard
ScienceNew four-winged dino fossil has longest feathers to date, but how did it fly?by Rebecca Kaplan
ScienceCyprian Plague traces found in Egypt: The apocalyptic plague nearly destroyed Romeby James Maynard
ScienceFrench book on soul and afterlife is bound in human skin, confirm Harvard University researchersby James Maynard
ScienceTitanic 102nd anniversary: A look at how safety features in ocean liners have developed over the last centuryby James Maynard
ScienceWho is Jesus' wife? Harvard professor unsure but she believes ancient papyrus is not fakeby James Maynard