Culture'Fantastic Beasts' Star Johnny Depp's 'Sickly' Appearance Concerns Fans As His 'Erratic' Behavior Allegedly Continues Actor Johnny Depp's latest appearance has fans questioning if he is in good health. The actor has been involved in various personal and legal problems following his tumultuous divorce from his ex-wife, Amber Elyse Johnson
HealthWalking At A Faster Pace Is Good For The Heart And Can Help Prevent Premature Deathby Elyse Johnson
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HealthRemoving Shoes After Coming Home Could Help With Weight Loss By Keeping Chemicals That Affect Hormones Outby Elyse Johnson
HealthExercising 4-5 Days A Week Could Help Your Heart Remain Youthful, New Study Suggestsby Elyse Johnson
HealthAlcohol And Tobacco Attribute To More Deaths Worldwide Than Illegal Drugs, New Study Suggestsby Elyse Johnson
HealthWoman Dies Allegedly From Flesh-Eating Bacteria After Being Undiagnosed In First 2 Doctor Visitsby Jean-Pierre Chigne
HealthA New Study Claiming Cellphones Were Responsible For The Rise In Brain Tumors In England, Dismissed By Expertsby Elyse Johnson