HealthAccidental Exposure To ADHD Medications On The Rise, Says New Study Children and adolescents have been exposed intentionally and unintentionally to ADHD medications. The results of the study came after the NRA linked ADHD drugs to the increasing incidences of gun Rubi Valdez
CultureTrump Hosts Meeting Over Violent Video Games: Here's Who Was There And What Happenedby Aaron Mamiit
Science'Breaking Bad' Syndrome: Most Acts of Violence Are 'Virtuous' and 'Morally Necessary'by Jim Algar
Two Years After Sandy Hook Shootings: How is Newtown and How America is Dealing with Gun Violenceby Anu Passary
DefenseReady, aim...but no fire: Smart Gun Armatix iP1 will NOT fire without its accessory watchby Randell Suba