ScienceLunar XPRIZE Relaunches Moon Mission This Time Without A Cash Incentive or Google XPRIZE announced the relaunch of its proprietary moon mission, the Lunar XPRIZE. This time, the participating teams will not receive cash prizes, although the experience should be enough to advance their space exploration Rubi Valdez
ScienceGoogle's $20 Million Lunar Xprize For Landing On The Moon To End With No Winnerby Samriddhi Dastidar
ScienceBook A Holiday On The Moon For $10,000: Moon Express Founder Says Lunar Flights Possible By 2026by Allan Adamson
ScienceGerman Lunar X-Prize Team Lunar Mission Could Debunk Apollo Moon Landing Conspiracy Theoriesby Rhodi Lee
SpaceIsraeli Team Will Hitch A Ride On SpaceX's Falcon 9: Can They Land Their Spacecraft On The Moon?by Menchie Mendoza
ScienceScience Channel, Discovery Channel turn Google Lunar Xprize mission to moon into a reality TV showby Alexander Saltarin
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'