TechFCC Says AT&T's 'Zero Rating' DirecTV Plans May Be Violating Net Neutrality Rules AT&T has been asked to officially respond to the charge that its Sponsored Data program involving DirecTV unfairly disadvantages competitors. FCC cited that it could constitute a violation of the net neutrality Chris Loterina
TechT-Mobile FCC Settlement: Uncarrier To Pay Hefty $48 Million Fine For Misleading Unlimited Data Customersby Alexandra Burlacu
TechFCC Delays Revolutionary Set-Top Box Vote: Moment Of Truth For Cable Providers And Subscribers Is Not Nowby Alexandra Burlacu
TechBlackBerry DTEK60 Pays A Visit To FCC's Website: Company's Third Android-Powered Smartphone To Be Unveiled Soon?by Carl Velasco
TechMysterious Apple Device Passes Through FCC: Wireless With Bluetooth And NFC, What Could It Be?by Aaron Mamiit
TechHTC Nexus Sailfish And Marlin Pass Through The FCC Pointing To Imminent Release On Major US Carriersby James Geddes
VP JD Vance Warns Heavy AI Regulation Could Kill Innovation, Vows U.S. Will Protect Free Speech at Paris Summit