TechFCC Says AT&T's 'Zero Rating' DirecTV Plans May Be Violating Net Neutrality Rules AT&T has been asked to officially respond to the charge that its Sponsored Data program involving DirecTV unfairly disadvantages competitors. FCC cited that it could constitute a violation of the net neutrality Chris Loterina
TechT-Mobile FCC Settlement: Uncarrier To Pay Hefty $48 Million Fine For Misleading Unlimited Data Customersby Alexandra Burlacu
TechFCC Delays Revolutionary Set-Top Box Vote: Moment Of Truth For Cable Providers And Subscribers Is Not Nowby Alexandra Burlacu
TechBlackBerry DTEK60 Pays A Visit To FCC's Website: Company's Third Android-Powered Smartphone To Be Unveiled Soon?by Carl Velasco
TechMysterious Apple Device Passes Through FCC: Wireless With Bluetooth And NFC, What Could It Be?by Aaron Mamiit
TechHTC Nexus Sailfish And Marlin Pass Through The FCC Pointing To Imminent Release On Major US Carriersby James Geddes