Healthy Living/WellnessDiet That Mimics Fasting Appears To Slow Aging, Improve Memory A study with mice suggests periodic cycles of a diet similar to fasting can let you live longer, researchers say. In a human study, a fasting mimicking diet resulted in decreased risk of many health problems associated with aging, they Jim Algar
Healthy Living/WellnessA Show Of Faith: Ramadan Yearly Sacrifice For Devout Diabetic Muslimsby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessFasting can spur weight loss, possibly stem heart disease and diabetesby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessFasting kick-starts stem cells into immune system rejuvenation mode, says new researchby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessPeriods of long fasting enhances immune system, promotes healthier agingby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessFasting is beneficial to the immune system: Study shows it triggers stem cell regenerationby James Maynard