HealthEuthanasia Drug In Dog Food Prompts Illinois Pet Food Company To Issue Voluntary Recall Pentobarbital, a drug used to anesthesize and euthanize pets, was found in a lot of dog food that sickened five animals. What are the affected products?by Allan Adamson
CultureThis Dog's Reaction To Her Favorite Toy Come To Life Is The Happiest Video On The Internet Right Nowby Lauren Keating
CultureLove At First Sight: Autistic Boy Instantly Bonds, Snuggles With Service Dog He Just Metby Livia Rusu
ScienceIs Goat Man's New Best Friend? Scientist Says Goats Are Just As Clever As Dogsby Katherine Derla
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'