ScienceWhat Killed the Dinosaurs After the Asteroid Impact? Scientists Finally Have an Answer A new study identifies another accomplice in the death of the dinosaurs. In an age when dinosaurs ruled the Earth, a dramatic event reshaped the course of Jace Dela Cruz
ScienceOrigin of the Asteroid That Killed Dinosaurs May Have Been Discovered Using a Computer Modelby Isabella James
TechMind-Blowing New Species of Dinosaur Fossils Discovered as A Surge in Bone Findings Rapidly Growby Christine Roger
ScienceScientists Found Possible Dinosaur DNA Evidence in a 75 Million-Year-Old Jurrasic Park Baby Dinosaur Skull Fossilby Christine Roger
SciencePaleontologists Discover Unknown Pterodactyl Species With Vampire-Like Fangs In Utahby Athena Yenko
ScienceHypothesis Suggests Toxic Flowers Helped Wipe Out Dinosaurs: Here Are Some Unusual Old Ideas About Dinosaur Extinctionby Athena Chan
ScienceHere's What Could Have Happened If Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Hit Earth Somewhere Elseby Samriddhi Dastidar
FAA Does Business With SpaceX, Starts Testing Starlink Terminal Testing Despite Existing Verizon Deal