Paleontologists Discover Unknown Pterodactyl Species With Vampire-Like Fangs In Utah

A group of paleontologists from the Brigham Young University has discovered the bones of previously unknown pterosaur specimen or what is more commonly known as the pterodactyls.

The paleontologists named the new species Caelestiventus hanseni which means heavenly wind. The species has a wingspan of 5 feet. It also has 112 teeth that include fang-like spikes which stick out near its snout. Its lower jaw, which looked like a pouch shaped to that of the pelicans, is believed to be used to scoop up food from the waters.

The paleontologists believed the new species not just flew but also walked on all fours while its wings were folded vertically, especially when searching for their prey.

The Caelestiventus Hanseni

The team's discovery of the almost intact bones of the new species in northeastern Utah was unexpected.

Brooks Britt, a geological sciences professor at BYU who led the team, said that there were only 30 Triassic pterosaur species that were discovered in the past and none of them thrived in deserts. In general, pterodactyls' bones are fragile. Their bones, when found, normally look like roadkill.

The bones of the caelestiventus hanseni, however, were found uncrushed. The remains were in a three-dimensional condition, preserved in sand.

"Most Triassic specimens consist of just a single bone: for example, a little phalanx from a finger or one vertebra from the neck. For this animal, we have the sides of the face and the complete roof of the skull, including the brain case, complete lower jaws and part of the wing," Britt said in the study published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution on Aug. 13.

With the discovery of the Caelestiventus hanseni, the experts knew now that the species were actually diverse.

The bones are estimated to be more than 200 million years and the earliest ever found. This means that this particular species predates all desert pterosaurs by 65 million years.

Built For Flying

The pterosaurs or pterodactyls lived for 160 million years from the late Triassic period until the end of the Cretaceous Period which was 66 to 145 million years ago. Pterodactyls were not classified as dinosaurs and were not considered as birds either, but they were the first ones after insects to develop the ability to fly through lifting. They were not just leaping or gliding.

Britt and his team concluded that their skills in flying helped the Caelestiventus hanseni survived the mass extinctions during the latter part of the Triassic period. Most of the species on land and in the sea were driven to extinction at the time.

"They are delicately framed animals that are built for flying," Britt said, adding that the species' wings are comprised of skin membranes held up by the fourth finger of their forelimbs.

Aside from their noticeable wings and vampire-like fangs, the species also have large sockets which suggest that they may have fantastic eyesight according to Britt.

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