DefenseThe Military’s ICARUS Project Wants To Build Delivery Drones That Vanish Into Thin Air The ICARUS project hopes to make drones that literally vanish into thin air. DARPA is working on the ICARUS project along with the VAPR program to make it Vincent Lanaria
DefenseDARPA And Air Force To Equip War Planes With HELLADS Combat Lasers By 2020by Alexandra Burlacu
ScienceDARPA's Grand Plan To Make Mars Hospitable: Terraform Planet With Genetically Engineered Organismsby James Maynard
ScienceDARPA Wants To Use Genetically Engineered Organisms To Make Mars More Earth-Likeby Dianne Depra
DARPA Proposes Brain Implant That Could Repair Lost Sight, Augment Vision, Grant 'Telepathy'by Timothy Torres