Healthy Living/WellnessFirst Huntington's Disease Treatment Drug Starts Human Trials A potential treatment for Huntington's disease is set to be tested in human clinical trials. The medicine has been found successful in animal models, and the researchers are hoping to replicate the same results in Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessBotched Painkiller Drug Trial In France Leaves One Dead: The Benefits And Risks Of Participating In Clinical Trialsby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessFrench Drug Trial Leaves 1 Brain-Dead, Hospitalizes 5 Othersby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessEli Lilly's Jardiance Diabetes Treatment Steals Market Share From Rival Drugsby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessFirst Trial To Use Umbilical Cord Stem Cells For HIV Treatment Set To Start In Spainby Angela Laguipo
Healthy Living/Wellness32-Year-Old Mom In UK Says Viagra Helped Save Her Premature Baby's Lifeby Julienne Roman
Healthy Living/WellnessSynergy Pharma Constipation Drug Shows Promising Results In Late-Stage Trialby Dianne Depra
FAA Does Business With SpaceX, Starts Testing Starlink Terminal Testing Despite Existing Verizon Deal