TechTheoretical Physicists Call AI Chatbots Just 'Glorified Tape Recorders' as Fear of Artificial Intelligence Dies Down A theoretical physicist calls AI chatbots "glorified tape recorders" and explains how they work, while also saying quantum computers are the next computer evolution stage. Learn Urian B.
TechTech Times Weekly Wrap: Musk v Zuck Fight Update, ChatGPT's Wrong Answers, and Zoom's Data Accessby Isaiah Richard
TechChatGPT Rising in Popularity: US Workers Embrace AI Chatbot Despite Employers’ Concernsby Inno Flores
TechAI-Powered Dating Apps Aim to Solve Common Online Dating Issues, Including Ghostingby Inno Flores
TechHarvard Business School Professor Says Small Businesses Should Start Using AI Tools Like ChatGPTby Jace Dela Cruz
TechResearchers Discover New AI Attacks Can Make ChatGPT, Other AI Allow Harmful Promptsby Joseph Henry
TechBEWARE: Facebook Ads Pretending to be AI Apps Are Malware that Steals Sensitive Infoby Isaiah Richard