ScienceBacteria from Earth can easily colonize Mars Bacteria could hitch a ride to Mars or future space colonies aboard spacecraft launched from Earth. Here is what happened when three teams subjected bacteria to real-life space James Maynard
ScienceDeep-sea viruses ambush bacteria along hydrothermal vents for faster reproductionby Alexander Saltarin
Healthy Living/WellnessAntimicrobial in soaps, toothpaste, shampoos promotes growth of Staph in human throats and noses: Studyby Lori Sandoval
ScienceBreakthrough: Living materials created by MIT scientists can sense and respond to surroundingby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessAntibiotic-resistant bacterial infections escalating among American childrenby Tabitha Laffernis
Healthy Living/WellnessIf you've dropped your food, act fast - the five-second rule is true after allby Maryanne Moll
ScienceMartian meteorite suggests presence of water...and possibly, alien life, on the Red Planetby James Maynard
ScienceFrank Zappa gets zit-causing bacteria named after him...Ummm, that's an honor, right??by Alex Saltarin
ScienceNew light harvesting technique by Stanford team may revolutionize solar industryby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessXenodiagnosis could mean tick tick boom for post-treatment Lyme disease syndromeby Tabitha Laffernis