ScienceGalaxy casts out entire star cluster, which is now heading towards Earth at over two million mph Distant galaxy winds up to throw cosmic fastball, ejecting an entire cluster of stars. Cluster is headed our way, but will likely ended up a permanent wanderer in empty Jim Algar
ScienceFirst solar eclipse of 2014 was amazing but could be enjoyed only by Australians and penguins [Video]by Jim Algar
ScienceCosmos by Neil deGrasse Tyson episode 8 'Sisters of the Sun' pays tribute to women astronomersby Jim Algar
ScienceDiscovery of coldest 'brown dwarf' in sun's neighborhood leaves astronomers stone coldby James Maynard
SciencePair of supermassive black holes spotted in cosmic tango by European astronomersby Alexander Saltarin
ScienceScientists spot 'upside-down planet' by accident, discover binary star system 2,600 light years from Earthby Alexander Saltarin