ScienceCopper awl discovered in ancient grave is oldest metal object found in Middle East A 6,000-year-old copper awl, discovered in a grave, reveals secrets of an ancient society. A copper awl unearthed in a grave holding the corpse of a woman is the oldest metal artifact ever discovered in the Middle James Maynard
ScienceDiscovery of ancient rock lines in Peru stumps scientists: What could they be for?by James Maynard
ScienceArchaeologists unearth more than 50 royal Egyptian mummies at Valley of the Kingsby Alexander Saltarin
ScienceWho is Jesus' wife? Harvard professor unsure but she believes ancient papyrus is not fakeby James Maynard
Science200 AD Roman gladiator school discovery in Austria sheds light on how ancient warriors lived and trainedby James Maynard
ScienceIncan woman mummy murder mystery solved: She was bludgeoned to death and sacrificedby James Maynard
German conspiracy theorists vandalize Great Pyramid of Giza to prove people of Atlantis built it, land in hot waterby Randell Suba