TechBinder App Is The Anti-Tinder, Breaks Up With Your Significant Other For You The new Binder app will break up with your current mate for you via a text and prerecorded voicemail. The app was developed as a joke but some are now concerned it is being used James Geddes
TechAmazon Offers 23 Android Apps And Games Worth Over $50 For Free: Here's The Complete Listby Aaron Mamiit
TechHere's What Will Convince CEO John Chen To Produce BlackBerry Android Smartphoneby Quinten Plummer
TechLatest Android Ad Showcases Real-Time Translation: 100 Billon Translated Words Per Day And Countingby Rex Macadangdang
TechAndroid 5.1 Lollipop Update For Moto X 2013 Starts Rolling Out In U.S. And Other Countriesby Anu Passary