TechZoom Starts Developing New AI Technology, Upsets Human Rights Groups It is reported that Zoom will develop a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology that can scan users' faces and speed to determine their April Fowell
HealthNew AI Identifies Human Race Through X-Ray, CT Images? Experts Say It's 90% Accurateby Griffin Davis
TechHow Artificial Intelligence Is Going To Be Regulated By The US Government: A Closer Lookby Raphel Roswell
TechAI to Improve with Vision and Language—New OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 is One Promising Technologyby Isaiah Richard
HealthCardiac Arrest-Detecting AI Now Under Development; Here's How It Reduces Death Casesby Griffin Davis
CultureViral Chris Rock Photo Dazed Many If it's Fake or Not: Work of Photoshop or AI?by Joseph Henry
TechDrug-Developing AI Identifies 40,000 Bioweapon Chemicals For Just 6 Hours, But Here's a Warningby Joseph Henry