Science3.2 Million-Year-Old 'Lucy' Reconstructed in 3D Revealing How She Looked Walking Upright A recent development using 3D reconstruction gives more visuals on how "Lucy" looked and walked. Learn Urian B.
TechAfun Interactive Gets $7.6 Million in Series A Round for Virtual K-Pop Concert: 3D Content Productionby Urian B.
TechGoogle Maps Launches Immersive View, Combining Street View and Aerial Photography into 3Dby Inno Flores
TechResearchers Develop a Software that Transforms Drawings into Tiny Sculptures Made of DNAby Jace Dela Cruz
TechBeliever Meats 3D-Printed Meat to Create the Largest Facility in the World in North Carolinaby Urian B.
TechChina Military Planes: Utilizing 3D Printing to Make Aircraft Lighter, Faster to Manufactureby Isaiah Richard
TechDisney Releases a Web3 Virtual Experience for Disney Music Emporium Online Store, Celebrates its 100th Anniversaryby Inno Flores
TechParent Creates Color-Changing Prom Dress with LED Strips, 3D Printing, and Programmingby Urian B.