ScienceMIT Study Shows Labeling Errors in More Than 10% of AI Testing Datasets, Causes Unstable Benchmark Results Minute mislabeling errors found in these datasets could critically set back progress in machine learning Lee Mercado
TechSophia the Humanoid Robot Collaborates with Italian Artist Andrea Bonaceto, Auctions NFT for Nearly $700,000by Nhx Tingson
ScienceMarvel Fan Builds Realistic Iron Man Expandable ‘Suitcase Suit,’ Shows Process How on YouTubeby Lee Mercado
TechAgility Robotics 'Delivery Robot' Knocks at Door to Bring Package, Avoiding Face-to-Face Interactionby Isaiah Alonzo
TechFord Enters Robotics-- Manufacturer Will No Longer be Car-Exclusive Companyby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechThis Robot Modifies its Body Based on a Particular Terrain - Shape-Shifting from Grass to Concrete is Possible!by Joen Coronel
TechNew AI Algorithm Predicts Planets' Orbits and Other Behaviors-- Allegedly Proving Simulation Theory?by Giuliano J. de Leon
SciencePanasonic's Farting Robot Cat Can Recognize Your Voice and Face Like Your Companionby Joen Coronel
SciencePuli Robot Rover is Ready to Look for Water on the Moon by Looking for Background Radiationby Urian B.