The U.S. FDA has approved Cinqair for treatment of patients with severe asthma attacks. The medication may be used in addition to current therapies to deliver more favorable patient outcomes.
Duke Energy will turn to swine and poultry waste for energy. The company will start obtaining power from poop to create renewable energy and generate electricity.
The fifth patient of the newest Ebola outbreak in Guinea has died. The patient was said to have had direct contact with the four early patients who also died of the virus.
Truck drivers with untreated sleep apnea are five times more at risk of getting involved in a preventable crash. The study implies that transportation companies should start implementing in-depth assessment and treatment of sleep apnea among truck drivers.
Orbital ATK's Cygnus is set to launch on Tuesday for a resupply mission to the International Space Station. The rocket will be carrying supplies and science experiments, which the astronauts in the ISS, will use and work on in space.
NASA was able to create a new gravity map of Mars that is said to help study the interiors of the Red Planet. The gravity map was able to form a clearer picture of Mars, which may help future exploration missions.
The world will witness a 'lite' lunar eclipse on Wednesday. The darkening of the sky will be more subtle than during total and partial eclipses, but a clear sky may improve the celestial show.
Some pet food may cause illness or injury to adults cats, a new study has found. Vets and pet food makers called the researchers to name the brands, but the team says it is inappropriate to do so at this time.
Stress during pregnancy may result in having babies with low birth weight. Stress hormone cortisol plays a role and because of this, experts advise women trying to become pregnant to manage stress and have a healthy lifestyle.
FDA wants to ban the use of powdered medical gloves in the U.S. The agency said powdered gloves may pose health hazards such as respiratory allergies and inflammation to medical staff, patients and exposed individuals.
US astronaut Tim Kopra was able to capture Singapore at night from the ISS. The photo looks amazing with its stunning network of yellow lights against a dark background.
The American Museum Of Natural History will feature an exhibit entitled 'Dinosaurs Among Us'. The presentation aims to explore the recognized yet mysterious bird and dinosaur link.
More Americans now believe that global warming is happening, a new poll reported. Survey results showed that more and more people believe that climate change is caused by human activity.
Brexit may take a toll on the UK economy, a report found. Leaving the European Union will cause the UK to lose nearly 1 million jobs and £100 billion in funds.
A new experiment at the Large Hadron Collider strengthens the possibility of a new particle. More studies are on the way, but so far, physicists are excited about the latest data available.
Soyuz space capsule delivered two Russian and one American astronauts to the ISS. The crew will stay there for a mission that will last for six months.
A Lufthansa jet plane nearly collided with a drone near the Los Angeles International Airport. The police department is still looking for the owner of the unmanned aircraft.
United Nations has appointed 'Angry Birds' character Red to be its newest ambassador. Part of Red's responsibilities is to do a virtual world tour in the hopes of inspiring people across the world to perform climate actions.
More than 150 kids go to the emergency room daily due to accidental medicine overdose. Advocates urge parents and carers to stay alert all the time.
Uber has launched its instant pay option for drivers to make payments available to them at once. Drivers may also apply for an Uber debit card to access their payments anytime they want.
Zika virus infection is known to be caused by mosquito bites infected with the disease. With this, the best way to avoid the infection is to prevent mosquito bites at all costs.
Wisconsin is now in the midst of an Elizabethkingia anophelis outbreak. The bacterial infection, resistant to many antibiotics, have sickened and killed a number of people throughout the state.
VLA was able to capture the galactic birth of a planet 450 light-years away from the Earth. The images were able to provide better insight into what happens during the early stages of planet formation.
Having two breakfasts may help prevent children from becoming overweight or obese. A new study found that children who ate double breakfasts for two years did not show significant differences in weight gain and had lesser risk of developing childhood obesity.
Standing desks may seem like a healthy way to beat the negative effects of prolonged sitting at work. However, experts found that the health benefits of these desks remain uncertain and unproven.
Taking public transportation may help people lose weight. A new study has found that commuting via walking, cycling or riding public vehicles instead of driving a car may produce more health benefits.
Researchers autopsied a Pleistocene puppy frozen for 12,400 years. The body is well-preserved and scientists are looking to clone it back to life.
People with early Alzheimer's disease may still recover lost memories, a new MIT study has found. Scientists said memories are not certainly lost, it is just a matter of accessing it once again.
A visit to the salon may elevate the risk of stroke. A woman from California is suing a salon for developing a blood clot that lead to stroke after getting her hair washed in a shampoo chair.
Researchers found that pure maple syrup may help fight Alzheimer's disease. The all-natural food item is said to protect brain cells and prevent processes associated with Alzheimer's.