Video of a dolphin giving birth at Shedd Aquarium surfaced and captivated hearts. The video was able to capture how the baby dolphin came out of its mother and propelled through the water through natural instincts.
Low-dose aspirin was found to reduce cancer death and spread by 20 percent if taken daily. Such is true when aspirin is combined with ongoing cancer treatment.
ALA released a report revealing the most polluted cities in the U.S. Some cities have improved, but others experienced the worst air pollution situation in the last decade.
The global temperature change reached to 1.5 degrees Celsius in March. This rise gives 2016 a new record in climate history.
AAN has released new guidelines for the use of botox in different neurological conditions including migraine. The new recommendations aim to assist physicians in effectively treating patients with muscle disorders using botox.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder wants to show that Flint water is now safe for consumption. He plans to do this by vowing to drink tap water for at least 30 days.
A protein therapy was found to reverse Alzheimer's symptoms in mice. Researchers hope they can apply their work to humans plagued with the debilitating condition.
Researchers were able to develop a novel technology called 'brainprint' that can identify people with 100 percent accuracy. The said brain biometrics system is better than fingerprints as it can potentially be cancelled when hackers find a way to have access.
FDA announced its ad campaign to educate rural white teens about the dangers of chewing or using other types of smokeless tobacco. The campaign aims to change the way these young people think when it comes to choosing health over norms.
Toddlers who prefer sweet treats over salty snacks are more likely to have problems with weight gain. A new study found that eating in the absence of hunger and choosing sweets to satisfy that drive may increase the risk of obesity later in life.
NASA's Fermi telescope was able to detect gamma ray bursts near a black hole merger, a gravitational wave source. The discovery may pave the way for better understanding of how the universe works.
Nivolumab was shown to increase the five-year survival rate of patients with melanoma. The immunotherapy drug showed this promising result during its phase I clinical trial.
The McDonald's of the future is set to try all-you-can-eat fries option for customers. The upcoming restaurant at St. Joseph, Missouri will also have kiosks where people can customize their meals, taking the fast food experience to a whole new level.
The Chernobyl disaster three-decade anniversary will happen this year. The catastrophe at the nuclear power plant still haunts and affects people and the environment 30 years later.
A tattoo-like electronic skin invented by Japanese researchers may monitor heart rate and blood sugar levels. The invention is said to have an array of applications, not only in the field of health and fitness, but also in the engineering and fashion world as well.
Astronomers spotted a new dwarf galaxy orbiting the Milky Way. The galaxy called Crater 2 is so dark that experts were initially unable to identify it despite its existence.
The CMS launched a new payment scheme to give doctors more flexibility and patients, better care. The Comprehensive Primary Care Plus aims to achieve improved health care delivery by paying doctors based on the value of their services.
Metformin may help reduce cancer death risk, a new study has found. The old diabetes drug may then have the potential to be a valuable drug for patients with both cancer and diabetes.
Humans are still better than AI when it comes to quantum computing, a new study has found. While computers may possess advanced features, they lack an essential thing humans have: intuition.
Researchers have created a flexible wallpaper camera that is made out of very thin material. The camera can wrap around objects and capture 360 degree images.
Doctors are unsure about discussing end-of-life care to their patients, a new poll has found. Doctors are unsure of what to say, with some admitting that having these discussions were not part of their formal training.
UK doctors were able to live stream a cancer surgery, providing 360-degree views of the procedure. The technology, which uses virtual reality, may help boost how medicine students learn vital information.
Parasitic worms may help treat inflammatory bowel disease, a new study has found. Conditions such as Crohn's disease may benefit from worm therapy as it changes the composition of the gut microbiota, in a way that is beneficial to the host.
Greenland ice sheets are unexpectedly melting early. A new study found that geothermal heat that dates back to millions of years ago may play a crucial role in this event.
Russian scientists were able to create a long-distance quantum communication device that cannot be intercepted by hackers. The system may specifically transfer single-photon quantum signal safely and efficiently.
A mother's eulogy for daughter who died due to heroin overdose went viral. The mother posted the entire message on Facebook and tugged many heartstrings even after the wake was over.
A new study found that fertility app Natural Cycles is as effective as using contraceptive pills. The app showed high rates of efficiency in determining the different periods in the menstrual cycle, thus, helping women achieve pregnancy and contraception goals.
A teen kidnapped by his dad 13 years ago pleaded a court judge to release his father from jail. Although the boy lived a completely different life, he said he had forgiven his father and would not want him to go to prison.
Doctors were able to successfully perform surgery to separate conjoined twins from Texas. The babies are now out of surgery and doing well.
Exxon Mobil has responded to climate change investigations that aim to bring the company down. The oil and gas firm has submitted court papers to halt a subpoena against the company.