Articles by Ernest Hamilton

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  • Photo from eFax’s website
    · Tech

    Discover the Easiest Way to Sign and Send Documents Safely Wherever You Are

    Since more people are now working from home while other businesses are operating digitally, online fax services are essential for signing, sending, and receiving important documents. This is much more convenient, unlike the old times, when people would send documents or handwritten letters through a fax machine.

  • Tech Times and Jobbio's Amply Network Announce New Partnership
    · Tech

    Tech Times and Jobbio's Amply Network Announce New Partnership

    In an exciting development, Jobbio's Amply Network has announced a new partnership with Tech Times, to feature bespoke job boards across each website respectively.

  • Top Crypto & Blockchain Projects to Follow in 2022
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    Top Crypto & Blockchain Projects to Follow in 2022

    As 2021 is coming to an end, the crypto and blockchain industry is looking back at a remarkable year. From securing greater public support to taking blockchain concepts such as DeFi and NFT to the mainstream, 2021 has certainly been a remarkable year for the industry. With 2022 fast approaching, there are already some promising projects that will likely take center stage in the new year and make headlines.

  • MySquard Slowly Expands to Become the Next Uber of Gig Economy
    · Tech Buzz

    MySquard Slowly Expands to Become the Next Uber of Gig Economy

    With the world ushered into a digital era, businesses that want to thrive have adapted into the digital space, using various social media platforms to increase traffic and have people reaching out to them. However, it can sometimes be difficult for people when the services they're looking for are all booked or impossible to find. Looking to create a solution that could bring service providers under one banner, MySqard was launched, creating a bridge that connects service providers with clients.

  • Annie Zhang:  A brilliant Software Product Manager ready to help you find your dream job with Hirect
    · Tech Buzz

    Annie Zhang: A Brilliant Software Product Manager Ready to Help You Find Your Dream Job with Hirect

    Need to find a job immediately? Have no time for the lengthy hiring process? Are you a startup who needs to find employees now?

  • Meet NOVABOT, a Technological Breakthrough in Autonomous Lawn Care
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    Meet NOVABOT, a Technological Breakthrough in Autonomous Lawn Care

    A freshly cut lawn is immensely satisfying. However, giving up precious time on the weekend immersed in a cloud of pollen and dirt behind a loud gas-powered mower no longer seems worth it. Cutting grass is a chore best completed by someone or something else. If, like me, you've been eyeing autonomous mowers for several years but haven't mustered the confidence to chuck your traditional zero turn, meet NOVABOT.

  • This Token Just Gave Out Free NFTs to its Holders?
    · Tech

    This Token Just Gave Out Free NFTs to its Holders?

    NFTs are taking over the tech space, with all the news related to these game-changing elements of the blockchain universe constantly making headlines. And now, NFT Token, a new player, is giving others a run for their money by changing the game further.

  • Jeff Bezos Invest in an Anti - aging Biotech Startup that is Focused on Reversing the Ageing Process
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    Evan Zimmermann and Jeff Bezos Invest in an Anti - aging Biotech Startup that is Focused on Reversing the Ageing Process

    Moderna backer Evan Zimmermann joined Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, investing in Altos Labs, a startup dedicated to reversing the aging process and extending the human lifespan. The exact amount that Zimmermann and Bezos invested has not yet been made public, but according to MIT Tech Review, data released by Altos Labs in June states that the company has raised over $270 million.

  • UK-based Fintech Disruptor, Samuel Leach hits Gold
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    UK-based Fintech Disruptor, Samuel Leach hits Gold

    Finance and Technology have forever been entwined, but Algorithm Trading and Artificial Intelligence (AI) advances, and applications, are making technology more profitable than ever before in human history. In November 2021 London Trader and Fintech disruptor, Samuel Leach, of Samuel & Co Trading secured a 7 figure deal to win his share of the profits of this fast-emerging sector.

  • Seriously, Build Your Network
    · Tech Buzz

    Seriously, Build Your Network

    The past 18 months of the pandemic, as trying as they have been, has proven an entrepreneurial breeding ground allowing determined action-takers and thought leaders to creatively build their visions for the betterment of our society. Lucky us. A prominent quote comes to mind for such times from the late great Henry Ford; "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right."

  • DeezNuts And Trust Wallet Are Giving Away Free NFTs
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    DeezNuts And Trust Wallet Are Giving Away Free NFTs

    The cancer research focussed crypto and metaverse organization is teaming up with the world's leading crypto wallet platform for a big giveaway. DeezNuts have raised over six digits towards several cancer research organizations since their launch about six months ago, endorsed by super stars such as NFL athlete Antonio Brown.

  • Kapeesh Saraf's journey from social network games to revolutionizing on-line education
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    Kapeesh Saraf's Journey from Social Network Games to Revolutionizing on-line Education

    We live in a digitalized world, and it is not a surprise that technological change and automation are accelerating. The skills needed to succeed are rapidly evolving and millions of workers need to reskill themselves to stay job-relevant. The online learning industry has experienced rapid growth over the past years. COVID-19 and the global lockdown have only made this field even more competitive and demanding for the companies.

  • How Blockchain is Transforming Social Media We Know
    · Tech Buzz

    How Blockchain is Transforming Social Media We Know

    Blockchain has challenged the status quo of many centralised systems, whether that be in payments or digital art. Now, we see major disruption coming where we spend most of our time today -- in social media.

  • BoostSwap's Highly Anticipated Free Limit Order Feature Is Live On The Boost DeFi App
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    BoostSwap's Highly Anticipated Free Limit Order Feature Is Live On The Boost DeFi App

    The developers of the smoothest, user-friendly exchange, BoostSwap, is launching their new app, Boost DeFi, in the very near future. With the anticipation of Boost DeFi, the rest of the Boost ecosystem is flourishing.

  • Streamlining for Big Business - Rahul Asati is the Leader of All-in-one Systems
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    Streamlining for Big Business - Rahul Asati is the Leader of All-in-one Systems

    For the average person, multitasking is a complex challenge that leads to chaos and poor results. This is because most of us work more effectively when we narrow our lens to one specific task or goal, giving it a strong and uninterrupted focus.

  • Kris Krohn Shares Why Time Is Our Most Valuable Resource
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    Kris Krohn Shares Why Time Is Our Most Valuable Resource

    The National Center for Health Statistics says that, as of 2020, the average human lives to about 75 years old for males and around 80 years old for females. These figures are actually becoming lower and lower with each passing year. In other words, time is becoming scarcer and scarcer for each human being living on Earth. Hence each one of us must learn how to manage our limited time properly.

  •  5 Tips to Juggle Between Work and College (and Enjoy Your Life)
    · Culture

    5 Tips to Juggle Between Work and College (and Enjoy Your Life)

    How to achieve a perfect work-life balance as a busy student? Follow this guide for working tips and tricks. Enable your full potential, enjoy work & study better.

  • Reverse Email Lookup: 10 Free Email Address Search Tools
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    Reverse Email Lookup: 10 Free Email Address Search Tools

    Want to find out who an email belongs to? Don't worry, it's simple! Here are 10 free tools to easily identify the person behind any email address.

  • Who Called Me from This Phone Number?
    · Tech Buzz

    Who Called Me from This Phone Number?

    If you want to know who called me at an unusual hour, then we will share how to find the owner's name in this post.

  • The Story Continues...VELOTRIC Launches the Discover 1 E-Bike
    · Tech Buzz

    The Story Continues...VELOTRIC Launches the Discover 1 E-Bike

    Fresh from his resounding success with Lime's groundbreaking urban scooter, e-mobility guru Adam Zhang is on the move again. A visionary in rethinking the connections between people and their cities, Adam founded VELOTRIC with a singular mission: to rediscover your city. Gathering a talented group of dreamers, believers and doers like himself, they've worked tirelessly on the design of the Discover 1 e-bike. Although only a year old, VELOTRIC is poised to launch what may very well turn out to be a new urban legend.

  • How to Do a Free Cell Phone Reverse Lookup in Canada?
    · Tech Buzz

    How to Do a Free Cell Phone Reverse Lookup in Canada?

    If you want to do free cell phone reverse lookup in Canada, you can use specific phone lookup apps listed in this article. Simply follow the post to know more.

  • The Modern Circular Economy: A Case Study

    The Modern Circular Economy: A Case Study

    Senior Advisor Philip Eggan of Goldfingr is also CTO of green data center leader TerraScale. He explains the synergy between the disruptive new global investment platform Goldfingr and the types of projects getting funded by the network- all of which share an ethos of rejuvenation, global sharing and sustainability

  • Improving Access to COVID-19 Vaccination Amongst By Continuous Targeted Education and Tailored Training Programs: Nura Ikhalea
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    Improving Access to COVID-19 Vaccination Amongst By Continuous Targeted Education and Tailored Training Programs: Nura Ikhalea

    Covid-19 is a healthcare threat that has had a severe impact on the healthcare system in the United States and across the world. The emergence of novel variations highlights the necessity for fast intervention as the United States grapples with its results. The details of the federal government's coordinated efforts to raise awareness about the Covid-19 vaccination are included in a couple of reports, but there is still a long way to go.

  • Voccent’s CEO Victor Brunko Talks About How the non-ML Approach is Reducing Hurdles in Learning a New Language
    · Tech Buzz

    Voccent’s CEO Victor Brunko Talks About How the non-ML Approach is Reducing Hurdles in Learning a New Language

    Language is probably one of the most natural skills for human beings. Companies have spent years making their language learning process as easy and simple for people as possible.

  • How Bitcoin Latinum is Changing the Game for Sustainability in the Crypto Space
    · Tech

    How Bitcoin Latinum is Changing the Game for Sustainability in the Crypto Space

    In the past few weeks, cryptocurrency mining, especially Bitcoin mining, has been scrutinized for its extensive energy use and residual carbon footprint. As Bitcoin relies on the Proof of Work consensus algorithm, it utilizes mining hardware to solve complex computations and mine new blocks. This process requires a large amount of energy, making it a non-sustainable source of mining cryptocurrencies.

  • Coinovy: The Answer to Every Traders Question
    · Tech

    Coinovy: The Answer to Every Traders Question

    The cryptocurrency ecosystem is built on four pillars: Blockchain Technology, Crypto Exchanges, Wallets, and Crypto to Fiat service providers. While there are several blockchain-powered platforms, exchanges, and wallets, only few offer the ability to use cryptocurrencies in real-time for daily activities. Also, most of these C2F platforms are restricted by country legislation, limited bank accounts, and hefty transaction fees.

  • Ross Franklin's Mission is to Build Healthier Communities Around the Globe
    · Tech Buzz

    Ross Franklin's Mission is to Build Healthier Communities Around the Globe

    The wellness industry has been growing exponentially over the past decade. More recently, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has accelerated this growth even more. According to Ross Franklin, the Founder and CEO of Pure Green Franchise; "there has never been a time in our nation's history where people have placed a higher value on their health and the health of their families."

  • What Makes MUZEN's CyberShell Speaker Stand Out from Competitors
    · Tech Buzz

    What Makes MUZEN's CyberShell Speaker Stand Out from Competitors

    Ever since they dropped on the scene like the dopest beat, MUZEN's CyberShell speakers have been creating quite a noise in every sense.

  • Yusuf Berkan Altun: Young Entrepreneur Making a Difference
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    Yusuf Berkan Altun: Young Entrepreneur Making a Difference

    Successful businessmen and women, entrepreneurs, and founders of conglomerates have one thing in common: passion. One constant denominator in every story of successful entrepreneurs is that none of them succeeded accidentally.

  • Neon is Unlocking Interest-free Credit for Millions of Americans, Explains CEO and Co-Founder Megha Agarwal
    · Tech Buzz

    Neon is Unlocking Interest-free Credit for Millions of Americans, Explains CEO and Co-Founder Megha Agarwal

    In the wake of the pandemic last year, many Americans faced uncertainty around employment and finances. This uncertainty pushed consumers to look for credit products that provide them some flexibility. Most lenders, however, slashed credit limits during this time, limiting consumer's access to credit products.

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