TechMicrosoft Solitaire Celebrates 30 Years of Existence With Over 35 Million Players, and 100 Million Hands Played to This Day Microsoft Solitaire stays strong amid the continuous arrival of more digital games, as about 35 million players are playing the game every month. Now turning 30, you will feel nostalgic!by Alec G.
TechOver 80 Colleges to Skip SAT and ACT until 2024; Anti-testing Movement Questions Security of Online Testingby CJ Robles
TechCOVID-19 Update: 99.9% of Coronavirus Can Be Killed by Germ-Zapping Robot Used by Hollywood; Study Shows COVID-19 Can Block Human Genesby Giuliano J.
TechCOVID-19 Vaccine: AstraZeneca to Supply 400 Million Potential Vaccines by September After Partnering with Oxford Universityby Alec G.
TechNASA Update: People to Get Paid to Spend 8 Months in Lockdown to Simulate Future Moon and Mars Missionsby Giuliano J.
TechContact-Tracing App Care19 Caught Sharing Location Data To Foursquare Thus Violating Their Own Privacy Agreementby Peter Galvez
TechGoogle Launches 'Action Blocks' to Help People With Cognitive Disabilities Customise Buttons for Complex Actionsby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechFacebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Sees Opportunities in Remote Working; Allows Staff to Work at Home Foreverby CJ Robles