Selena Gomez takes a bold move to show her support on the on-going protests against police brutality and racism in America by allowing prominent Black leaders to run her Instagram account.
"Over the next few days, I will be highlighting influential leaders and giving them a chance to take over my Instagram so that they can speak directly to all of us," said Selena in an announcement on Friday, June 5.

As of March, Gomez was listed as the fifth-most-followed Instagram account worldwide. Aside from Instagram's official account, the top rank goes to footballer Cristiano Ronaldo with 209 million followers, while Ariana Grande and Dwade Johnson follow.
Her decision would allow the activists to directly communicate with her 179 million followers over the next few days, according to Buzzfeed.
"I have been struggling to know the right things to say to get the word out about this important moment in history," Selena wrote in her announcement. She thought of how to use her social media, so she decided to let them take over her account because "we all need to hear more from Black voices."
View this post on InstagramI have been struggling to know the right things to say to get the word out about this important moment in history. After thinking about how best to use my social media, I decided that we all need to hear more from Black voices. Over the next few days I will be highlighting influential leaders and giving them a chance to take over my Instagram so that they can speak directly to all of us. We all have an obligation to do better and we can start by listening with an open heart and mind. ⠀ ⠀ Image Credit: “Speak With Confidence” — Charly Palmer (@charlylpalmer) A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Jun 4, 2020 at 11:16am PDT
"Over the next few days, I will be highlighting influential leaders and giving them a chance to take over my Instagram so that they can speak directly to all of us," said Gomez. "We all have an obligation to do better, and we can start by listening with an open heart and mind," she added.On Friday, Selena announced that Alicia Garza, a co-creator of Black Lives Matter, to be the first leader to take over her account. "Alicia is taking over my account today!" said Gomez.
View this post on InstagramPlease meet Alicia Garza (@chasinggarza). She co-created #BlackLivesMatter, runs the @BlackFuturesLab to make Black communities powerful, has her own podcast at @ladydonttakenopod, and is an all around force for change. Alicia is taking over my account today! A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on Jun 5, 2020 at 8:33am PDT
Using Selena's Instagram, Garza introduced herself in a video and thanked the singer for letting her take over her page. She said that "we have all the things to talk about."
She continued saying that people are protesting in the streets because "Black people are being murdered by police," but the latter is not being held accountable for their crime. "This is a big, big problem," said Garza, who runs an organization called Black Futures Lab.
Garza said her organization aims to organize Black communities and train them to make police officers "be held accountable when they do bad things."

Also, Garza shared more information about Black Futures Lab on Selena's Instagram story. She also posted an article, which further explains about "Black Lives Matter Movement."
Meanwhile, in a shared post, Black Futures Lab found that "87% of Black Census respondents consider police killings of Black people a problem." Garza urged Selena's followers to get involved in society by registering to vote and exercising their rights to vote.
Alicia will continue to update Selena's page throughout the day, while other Black leaders will also get the same opportunity in the coming days.
Lady Gaga follows Gomez' lead
Like Gomez, Lady Gaga announced on her Instagram that she will allow organizations to take over her account to give them a direct platform to communicate with her fans.
View this post on InstagramStarting tomorrow, I’m giving over my Instagram account to each of the organizations I’ve recently donated to, in an effort to amplify their important voices. And after I vow to regularly, in perpetuity, across all of my social media platforms, post stories, content, and otherwise lift up the voices of the countless inspiring members and groups within the Black community. A post shared by Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) on Jun 4, 2020 at 4:58pm PDT
"Starting tomorrow, I'm giving over my Instagram account to each of the organizations I've recently donated to, to amplify their important voices," Gaga said.
She also vowed to regularly post stories and contents across all of her social media platforms to uplift and inspire members and groups of the Black community."