TechNew Huawei P50 Leak Says it Will Come by May or June 2021; Rumored Specs, Colors and MORE A new rumor about Huawei P50 has emerged that it will be powered by a Kirin 9000 chip. Its "egg" bump camera, however, points out its bland appearance similar to a pig's snout and Type E Joseph Henry
TechThree Newly Discovered Spectre Vulnerabilities in Modern AMD, Intel CPUs Might be 'Too Difficult' to Fix, Researchers Revealby Joseph Henry
TechXbox Series X Restock Schedule May 2021 Predictions: Target, Best Buy, Walmart, and Moreby Urian B.
TechVolkswagen to Design Chips for Self-Driving Cars, Borrowing Tactic from Apple and Tesla Amidst 2021 Chip Shortageby Isaiah Richard
Tech'Fornite' vs. Apple: Half of its Revenue is from PS4, Epic Games Not to Lose if it Does Not Return to iOSby Isaiah Richard
TechGlobal Semiconductor Shortage Won't be 'Resolved' For a Few More Years, Intel CEO Says--How Pandemic Impacts it?by Joseph Henry
TechFacebook Asks iOS 14.5 Users to Turn On Ad Tracking via ATT—What is Apple's ATT and Should You Do It?by Isaiah Richard
TechWarren Buffett 'Alright' with Vice Chairman Saying He's 'Disgusted' With Cryptocurrency Successby Urian B.
TechHow to Turn Off Message Requests From People You Don't Know and Follow On Instagramby Sophie Webster