Healthy Living/WellnessToo much or not enough? New study sheds light on salt consumption guidelines A new Danish study has found that despite consuming more salt than is recommended, Americans are likely eating the ideal amount of sodium per Tabitha Laffernis
Healthy Living/WellnessSins of the father: Sons of young male smokers may be up to 22 pounds heavierby Tabitha Laffernis
Healthy Living/WellnessUltimate sacrifice: Mom from New York dies after refusing cancer treatment to protect baby in wombby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessFDA approves hay fever drug Oralair: Goodbye sneezing and allergy Rhodi Lee
ScienceWant to lose weight? Take a walk in the sunlight, but do it in the morning, scientists sayby Jim Algar
Healthy Living/WellnessKetamine for depression? Horse tranquilizer, party drug under study as medicine for humansby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessFDA advisers give thumbs up to MannKind's inhaled insulin drug for diabeticsby Maryanne Moll
Healthy Living/WellnessApple slices or fries? 'Deceptive' fast food advertising confuses childrenby Tabitha Laffernis
Healthy Living/WellnessImmunotherapy makes its way to the U.S. in the form of grass allergy pill Oralairby Tabitha Laffernis
Healthy Living/WellnessWHO says Ebola outbreak in Guinea relatively small. What's to know about the deadly virus?by Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessIs Novartis' LCZ696 the next gold standard of heart failure drugs?by Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessBenefits of Vitamin D supplements are just part of marketing hype and big myth?by Rhodi Lee
VP JD Vance Warns Heavy AI Regulation Could Kill Innovation, Vows U.S. Will Protect Free Speech at Paris Summit