Healthy Living/WellnessVegan Seventh Day Adventist Mom Regains Custody of Infant Son Following Arrest for Criminal Neglect Sarah Markham, a 24-year-old mother, lost custody of her son after a doctor advised her to go to a hospital due to her baby's malnourished state, but Markham did not immediately Aaron Mamiit
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Healthy Living/WellnessShocking Study Finds At Least 6 Toxic Flame Retardants in Bodies of Americansby Rhodi Lee
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Healthy Living/WellnessWrong Place, Right Time: Fully-insured Megan Rothbauer Risk Bankruptcy as she was Rushed to Wrong Hospital During Cardiac Arrestby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessWhooping Cough Vaccine During Pregnancy Does Not Cause Preterm Delivery: Studyby Dianne Depra
Healthy Living/WellnessJoan Rivers' Death Possibly Due to Medical Negligence by Yorkville Endoscopy: Melissa Rivers Shocked and Angryby Rhodi Lee