Healthy Living/WellnessLate Bedtime Isn't Good For Your Waistline: Study Finds Link Between Sleeping Late and Weight Gain People hoping to trim their waistline may start by sleeping early at night. A new study found that there is a link between weight gain and late Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessBreastfeeding Support In US Hospitals Improving But CDC Says More Still Needs To Be Doneby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessNew Diagnostic Test Predicts Teens’ Risks for Developing Heart Diseaseby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessCalifornia Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Bill Legalizing Assisted Suicideby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessPhone Calls Are Not Enough: Study Reveals Why You Should Visit Your Family And Friends Thrice A Weekby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessAortic Heart Valves From Animal Tissue Can Develop Blood Clots, Raise Risks For Strokeby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessDoctors Want To Ban Perfumes And Aftershaves In Hospitals: Here’s Whyby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessFDA Orders Duodenoscope Makers To Conduct Postmarket Surveillance Studies in Healthcare Facilitiesby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessSpark Therapeutics Gene Therapy Shows Promise In Restoring Vision Of Visually Impaired Patientsby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessScientists Work On Simple Saliva Test That Could Detect Breast Cancer Riskby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/Wellness3 Scientists Win Medicine Nobel Prize For Works On Parasitic Disease Treatmentsby Katherine Derla