Healthy Living/WellnessScientists Reprogram Human Skin Cells To Produce Insulin, Spur Hope For Type-2 Diabetes Treatment A team of scientists in California successfully changed the hardwiring of certain human skin cells to make it produce insulin. The experiment could possibly help patients with Type 2 diabetes, experts Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessDistinct Urine Odor May Indicate Onset Of Alzheimer's Diseaseby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessMotorized Sperm Cells May Help Couples Trying To Conceive: Watch How Spermbots Workby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessPsychiatric Disorder Common Among Patients Seeking Bariatric Surgery: Studyby Katrina Pascual
Healthy Living/WellnessBabies Born With Hyperactive Immune System Likely To Develop Food Allergyby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessInvesting Less Than $1 For Each Person A Year Could Make World More Resilient To Pandemics: Reportby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessFlavonoid-Rich Red Wine, Citrus Fruits And Berries Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction In Middle-Aged Menby Angela Laguipo
Healthy Living/WellnessNew Study Reveals How Blasts From Explosives Damage Brains Of Combat Veteransby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessWHO Declares Liberia Ebola-Free, Marks End Of Worst Outbreak Of Diseaseby Ted Ranosa
Healthy Living/WellnessObese People Should Reduce Sitting Time To Lower Heart Disease Risk: Other Ways To Improve Cardiovascular Healthby Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessHookah vs. Cigarettes: Water Pipe Smoking Not As Harmless As Many Thinkby Rhodi Lee