HealthCoronavirus Origin: WHO Allowed in China to Investigate, But Two Members Tested Positive in COVID-19 Rapid Test After over a year, the World Health Organization is finally granted entry to China to formally investigate where the COVID-19 pandemic started, but two members of the organization have tested positive during the coronavirus antibody Nhx T.
HealthJohnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Update: Generated Immune Response in Volunteers, Reported Minimal Side-Effectsby Sieeka Khan
HealthSign Up for COVID Vaccine Guide: Who is Eligible? Where to Get Second Shot, and MOREby Urian B.
TechNHS App for COVID-19 Not Working Properly on Android Phones, User Data Won't Uploadby Sieeka Khan
TechAstrazeneca Declines to Disclose Quantity of COVID-19 Vaccines in UK, Says It Will 'Imminently' Hit 2M Weeklyby CJ Robles
HealthCOVID-19 'Escape Mutant' E484K Alarms Experts! Possibly Reducing Vaccines' Efficacyby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechCES 2021 New Technologies Wearable That Monitors Blood Sugar from Japanese Startup Companyby Sieeka Khan
HealthWHO Claims No COVID-19 Herd Immunity This 2021; Here's What It Suggests You Should Doby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechCES 2021 COVID 19: Binatone's $50 MaskFone Has Built-in Mic, Bluetooth Earbuds - and It's Washable!by CJ Robles
TechCES 2021: This Amazon Alexa-integrated Healthcare Tracker Detects Physiological Abnormalities in Less Than 60 Secondsby Isaiah Alonzo
HealthChina Lockdowns ALL Villages in Beijing Until Residents Receive Negative COVID-19 Resultsby Giuliano J. de Leon
HealthCOVID-19 New Variant Found in Japan From Brazilian Tourist, Different From UK and Africa Mutationsby Nhx T.
TechCOVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Requires Setting Appointments Via Apps and Websites, But Vulnerable Populations Struggleby CJ Robles