ScienceTC Energy Terminates Keystone XL Pipeline Project—Why Was it the Center of Controversies? TC Energy terminates the Keystone XL Pipeline project, and it is one of the most controversial projects that the company Isaiah Richard
TechUbisoft Aims to Reduce Carbon Footprint, Execs' End-of-Year Incentives Would Depend on itby Joseph Henry
Science2021 Solar Eclipse: Sky and Telescope Magazine Offers Chartered Flight to See 'Ring of Fire' This Weekby Isaiah Richard
TechSirius XM Digital Radio Satellite Successfully Returned by Falcon 9, Acing Nighttime Landing at Seaby Fran Sanders
Tech‘Anonymous’ Hacking Group Threatens Elon Musk After Musk’s Tweets Affect Bitcoin Valueby Fran Sanders
TechUSGS ShakeAlert System Arrives in the US: Here's How It Warns You About Earthquakesby Griffin Davis
ScienceBiden Climate Change Plan: Hamburgers Continue Meat Use After Fake News in Social Media About US Going Veganby Isaiah Richard
TechPatania II Robotic Deep-Sea Mining Machine is Currently Stranded in Pacific Ocean: Should It Continue Extracting Metals?by Griffin Davis
ScienceCalifornia Pledges to End Oil Extraction by 2045—First State to Commit, Achieve Carbon Neutralityby Isaiah Richard
ScienceApple Plan for 2030 to go Carbon Neutral, Use Solar, Wind, and Hydro Power to Create Technologyby Isaiah Richard
TechHigh Hopes' Earth Day Plan: Startup to Launch Advanced Balloons to Freeze and Capture CO2by Griffin Davis
ScienceUS Department of Energy Backs MARVEL Tech Development, Could be Operational in Three Yearsby Gabrielle N.