AT&T Rolls Out Samsung Galaxy S5 Android 5.1.1 Update: Security Updates, Stagefright Fix And More

AT&T subscribers on the Samsung Galaxy S5 are now beginning to get FOTA (Firmware Over The Air) updates from Android 4.4.4 Kit Kat to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop.

The Texas-based telecommunications corporation began rolling out the Android 5.1.1 FOTA for the Galaxy S5 last Oct. 22. According to the update summary sheet, along with the push to Lollipop, it will also contain security updates, which are likely centered on addressing the vulnerabilities that Stagefright 1.0 and Stagefright 2.0 exploits.

Note that this upgrade is native to the Galaxy S5 (SM-G900A). The S5 Active (G870A) and the S5 mini (G800A) are not included.

Furthermore, a fix for the Ultra Power Saver mode that glitches on the Galaxy S5's on-device encryption, which scrambles and descrambles files, will also come with the upgrade to Lollipop. The FOTA will also bring with it Android for Work, which is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) deployment that provides employees with productivity tools and lets them have secure and seamless access to their workplaces' networks using their own devices.

AT&T lists the upgrade file size to anywhere from 609 MB to 999 MB. Granted the size, the ideal way of downloading will be through Samsung Kies, which will require the S5 to be connected to a PC and synced. There's also the option of just letting the phone update itself automatically, which is bound to take several days due to the staggered download.

However, for those who want to do it manually on their phones, a strong Wi-Fi connection and at least a 50 percent battery load are suggested.

How To Initiate The Update Manually

1. Simply swipe down the notifications and select "Settings."

2. Within "Settings," find the "System" category and tap it.

3. Under "System", panels that include "About device" will be populated.

4. After selecting "About device," proceed to "Software Updates."

5. "Software Updates" will have the option to "Check for Updates". Tap on it.

6. Just press "OK" when it displays a status message.

7. A couple more status messages will be displayed. Just tap on "Continue" and it should be begin the download.

8. Leave it for a few a minutes to download and install. You're free to enjoy Lollipop on your Galaxy S5 after it successfully installs.

To verify whether the update was successful, go to "About device" again. It should have the following displayed:

Android version: 5.1.1

Baseband version: G900AUCU4COI5

Kernel version: 3.4.0-586384

Build number: LMY47X.G900AUCU4COI5

Upgrade file size: 609MB-999MB

Nonetheless, some users of the Samsung Galaxy S5 have expressed their dismay on how late the Lollipop update came. Should the same be expected of the rumored Android 6.0 Marshmallow upgrade for the Galaxy S5?

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