Doug The Pug Stars In Music Video – Demi Lovato And Fall Out Boy In It Too

Doug the Pug has added yet another awesome video to his repertoire with Fall Out Boy's latest music video. On Oct. 16, Fall Out Boy released a new music video of "Irresistible" on its official YouTube page, FallOutBoyVevo, with an added bonus: it is a remixed version of the sixth song of its January 2015 released album American Beauty / American Psycho and features the powerful vocals of pop singer Demi Lovato.

Doug the Pug took the stage as he portrayed many characters in the video, including a basketball player, a drummer, a gladiator and a brunette. He gave it his all as the video showed the pug shooting the hoops and even slam dunking the ball, as well as rocking to the music as he energetically pounded on the drums. It's not easy being a celebrity and portraying roles that are too different but Doug went through all of the characters without even breaking a sweat.

"Excited for you guys to hear this new version of the song on Friday," Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz wrote on his blog. He also mentioned that Demi Lovato possesses one of the "most powerful vocals" at the present time. What about the video itself? Fall Out Boy fans seem to have mixed feelings both about the remix and the video itself.

Some fans argued that, while Demi Lovato has a great voice, her singing in the video was not compatible with vocalist Patrick Stump's voice; however, there were fans who felt that the combination of their voices suited the song well. One thing is for sure, though: Doug the Pug's presence in the video made fans want to see more dogs in music videos.

You can watch the video shown.

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