'Destiny's Legendary Sleeper Simulant Has Been Found, Here's How To Get It

Ever since the weapon's reveal in the Taken King issue of Game Informer magazine, Destiny players have searched far and wide for an exotic fusion rifle known as Sleeper Simulant.

Nobody was quite sure how to get it, which left the community collectively scratching their heads. First came mysterious fusion rifle parts that would occasionally be dropped by powerful enemies. Players believed these to be connected to Sleeper Simulant, but nobody could be sure. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a new mission appeared on Earth Wednesday, October 7, for players who had collected the four required parts and turned them into the Gunsmith. Thus began a quest line that is unlike anything we've seen in Destiny before.

It hasn't even been 24 hours, and now players are finally acquiring their long-sought-after loot. Not to worry though. If you haven't yet acquired this powerful exotic weapon, we've got your back.

First things first: you'll need to grind majors and ultra level enemies in hopes of acquiring the four necessary fusion rifle relics. It sounds like a chore (it kind of is), but the drop rate for these parts is frequent enough to keep you pushing forward.

After acquiring all the parts, the Gunsmith will have a new story mission for you. This story mission is only available at certain times. It went live Wednesday, but it appears that it is now gone. You'll have to play the waiting game — but rest assured, the mission will return.

Once you have the The First Firewall quest is when the real fun begins. It tasks you with traveling to Rasputin's bunker on Earth and doing battle with the Taken and Hive there. Only these enemies are a little different from the enemies players are used to fighting. They spawn in strange patterns and in various waves. Once the waves have been defeated, a boss will appear. After the boss is slain, players will be granted an item called "Curious Transceiver."

The transceiver requires a passcode. Remember those Taken and their weird spawning patterns? They are the key to unlocking the transceiver. It's fun to try and do it for yourself, but it's honestly fairly difficult. There are four passwords required, one for each wave of enemies. The top row represents Hive, the bottom Taken. In the four codes below, "H" will represent Hive and "T."


Doing this unlocks a new mission called Shadow Call. Remember The Taken King quest in which you had to platform your way up to the top of the Cosmodrome in search of Cayde-6's stealth drive? Well, now you have to do it again — only this time with a timer. Reach the top in time and you'll receive another item, the "Ikelos Fusion Core." It too requires you to solve a puzzle to activate it.

Each of the five nodes of the item must be activated. Hovering over each node will give you a clue as to what you'll need to do, but it required a lot of teamwork on the part of the community to piece together what exactly needed to be done. Below is what you'll have to do:

Ionized Shell Harmonics - Beat the Archives mission on Venus

Heavy Power Coupling - Dismantle a legendary/exotic heavy weapon

Plasma Confinement Control Module 1 - Do the Warsat public event on Earth

Plasma Confinement Control Module 2 - Do the Warsat public event on the Moon

Plasma Confinement Control Module 3 - Do the Warsat public event on Mars

You can track down Warsat public events using this fansite. Once you've completed each requirement, turn in the item to the Gunsmith. You'll have to wait for a day, but eventually the Gunsmith will grant you a quest called The Sleeper Stirs. We're almost there!

The quest is to complete a 280 Light Level version of the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. strike on Earth. It's no walk in the park. Though it does have matchmaking, we recommend bringing along two battle-hardened friends to get the job done. Beat the final boss of the strike and you'll be granted the "Sleeper Simulant Weapon Frame."

Bring it to the Gunsmith, and finally, at long last, Sleeper Simulant is yours. Enjoy. Be sure to let us know if you think all the work was worth it.

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