Oliver Queen Finally Calls Himself 'Green Arrow' In Philippines Promo Trailer

Although The CW's series about Oliver Queen and friends still calls itself Arrow, it's no secret that Oliver loses the title of Arrow this season and becomes Green Arrow instead.

Even the first episode of the season is titled "Green Arrow," which means the episode will likely explain how Oliver – who hung up his Arrow suit in last season's finale – becomes Green Arrow. This is the season when Oliver realizes that Starling City still needs him, but he needs to "become something else, someone else" — which has become his mantra throughout the show.

So although Oliver becoming Green Arrow is no big secret, Arrow viewers still haven't heard Oliver call himself that... at least until now. We only know that he's done so thanks to Jack TV, a Philippines-based network that recently aired a promo for its superhero-based programming. In that promo, we hear actor Stephen Amell, who portrays Oliver, saying the magic words:

"I have to become... the Green Arrow."

In case you didn't notice in the clip, Jack TV gets all the superhero-based shows in the country, including Heroes Reborn, Supergirl, Arrow and The Flash.

This season of Arrow also sees other changes, as well. With a new title comes a new suit, which Amell modeled at this year's San Diego Comic-Con.

Team Green Arrow also gets a new lair that's a huge step up from the old one: it comes complete with new gear, new technology and a lot of extra space for training.

Showrunner Marc Guggenheim believes that this season of Arrow is also lighter than last season, which got pretty dark at times.

"Every year, you want to mix things up, and there was sort of a collective desire on all of our parts to try to inject a little bit more lightness into the show, a little bit more humor," said Guggenheim to io9. "It's not going to radically change. The show's still going to be the show but in terms of tone, we're coming off a very, very hard season for all of our characters. We wanted to try to mix it up a little bit."

Arrow also gets a new villain, in the form of Damian Darhk (Neal McDonough), once an adversary of the late Ra's Al Ghul and now a new challenge for Team Green Arrow to face.

Arrow returns to The CW on October 7.

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