Smithers Will Come Out As Gay On 'The Simpsons' This Season

Season 27 of The Simpsons just kicked off on Fox Sunday night, and it's already turning out to be one of the show's most buzzworthy seasons ever.

We finally got to see that shocking plot point of Homer and Marge separating play out in the Season 27 premiere. Harry Shearer, who lends his voice to a ton of characters including Mr. Burns, caused a stir when he said he would be leaving The Simpsons and then eventually didn't earlier this year. The Simpsons producers have also said that Sideshow Bob will finally kill Bart in this year's "Treehouse of Horror" episode.

Well, The Simpsons isn't finished with packing this season with surprises just yet. Waylon Smithers will reportedly finally reveal his sexual orientation to Mr. Burns in an upcoming episode this season.

"In Springfield now, most people know he's gay, but obviously Burns doesn't," The Simpsons executive producer Al Jean said in a recent interview with TVLine. "We deal with that in two episodes. ... We actually do a lot with Smithers this year; he gets fed up with Burns not appreciating him and considers his options."

One of those "options" could be an entirely new love interest for Smithers.

"We have a show where Smithers realizes he's never going to get what he wants from Burns so he quits and falls in love with somebody else," Jean told Entertainment Weekly earlier this month. "The someone else is a character that Hank [Azaria] has done on the show before, Julio, who is a little like his character from The Birdcage."

Smithers' romantic feelings for his boss Mr. Burns have of course been pretty explicit to viewers for much of The Simpsons' 27 seasons on the air. In fact, some members of the show's creative team have referred to Smithers as not a homosexual but a "Burns-sexual" in the past, meaning that he is just in love with Mr. Burns, regardless of his sex.

Whatever the case may be, don't we all just want to see Smithers finally be happy?

Via: Mashable

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