Six technophiles, Google Glass, and The Daily Show. Here's what happened.

It appears there’s no end yet to hammering the Google Glass — and alas, including its Explorers, Glassholes, or Eyedouchebags, however they call it. Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show” on Thursday night took its own stage for a comedic beating on the controversial wearable, inviting six of its famous adopters, who made headlines one way or another for wearing the $1,500 worth eyewear.

Among the guests were Sarah Slocum who was forced to leave a bar in San Francisco; Cecilia Abadie who got a traffic ticket in 2013, but eventually reversed, for wearing the Glass while on the wheels; Nick Starr who was requested to leave a coffee shop in Seattle for refusing to take off his Glass; and Kyle Russell, a TechCrunch writer who was assaulted in San Francisco’s Mission District.

In the show’s segment titled “Glass Half Empty,” correspondent Jason Jones began with a serious tone on the issue by recalling the ages-old issue of discrimination and then relating to a current controversial state wherein some still suffer from the “barbs of injustice” such as the Google Glass wearers in the U.S.

“I was denied admission and service at various establishments,” Starr begins the interview.

“I was mugged in the Mission District,” also says Russell.

To which Jones replies, “…what the f*** have you all got on your faces?"

That’s when the segment started its hilarious spin on the Google Glass issue.

One of the Explorers shares that using the Glass is much easier than using a cellphone.

“It’s basically a cellphone on your face,” says Slocum.

"What is it about this that seems like it's too much for you?" Jones asks, while he holds and looks down at a cellphone in pretense of texting.

"The best uses of Glass today are apps where it acts as an interface between you and the real world," Russell replies.

"Do you guys hear yourselves when you talk?" Jones says, his face dead serious — or trying to be. "An interface between you and the real world? Those are called eyes."

Russell, however, was quick to write about the real entire experience of shooting “The Daily Show” instead of responding to the criticisms of the segment.

“You wouldn’t know it from the segment, but our group interview took the better part of four hours. We each took turns answering several pages of questions that the show’s producers had prepared ahead of time, with Jason Jones occasionally asking whether we should film a response again or telling one of us to stop laughing,” he writes in a TechCrunch article. “At the end of it, the producers gave Jones a series of fun comebacks to some of the nerdier things we said during the interviews — so yes, we knew about the out-of-context jokes before the segment aired.”

What came last in the interview between Jones and Google Glass Explorers was a hysterical take not to be missed. One of the them asks if Jones was able to try one before. Here's what he did. Check out the video below.

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