Stephen Amell And Stardust Put Aside Their Differences To Support Children's Hospice

Arrow actor Stephen Amell and wrestler Stardust (aka Cody Rhodes) recently put aside their differences to raise money from their wrestling match last month for a children's hospice in Toronto.

The two began feuding on social media over the summer, eventually leading to Amell stepping into the wrestling ring to take on Stardust in his Green Arrow costume.

Of course, though the two appeared to be enemies in the ring, their plan all along was to raise funds for Toronto-based hospice center Emily's House. Over the weekend, both Amell and Stardust appeared at the hospice and donated a check for nearly $300,000 for Emily's House to build a new playroom.

Amell put up the following post on his Facebook page:

Sometimes you need to put your differences aside for a good cause. So today... Stardust and I presented Emily's House in...

Posted by Stephen Amell on Sunday, September 13, 2015

In his status, Amell referred to Stardust by his real name and praised the wrestler for playing along with the feud that resulted in the funds being raised for the new hospice play room. Calling it a "break in character," Amell commended Rhodes, inadvertently revealing that the two are probably friends in real life.

But Amell might now have to take on "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, who criticized the actor's performance against Stardust.

"I just don't like the celebrities coming in there, the squared circle, and being able to compete at any level with the guys in the [pro wrestling] business," said Austin on his podcast. "You've got to protect some integrity of the business. I don't care what day and age, what year it is."

Regardless of Austin's opinion, though, Amell and Stardust have used their match to do a whole lot of good.

Season 4 of Arrow premieres on the CW on October 7.

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