The Minions, beloved by old and young alike, are an adventurous bunch, roaming the world high and low. One among their ranks made it to Ireland's capital Dublin this week and had an adventure of a special kind, nearly committing a felony while it was at it.
A 40-foot-high inflatable Minion balloon that was moored at a fairground in North Dublin was freed by gusty winds on Monday afternoon and was blown onto a nearby road, presenting quite an unusual but nevertheless severe menace to oncoming traffic.
People couldn't believe their eyes when they became aware of a humongous Minion lolling across the street and completely blocking traffic. It is safe to assume that kids—as well as some adults, for sure—were delighted by the scene. Most drivers, however, were less impressed by the sudden emergence of the giant balloon since it came dangerously close to the cars, even clipping the side of one vehicle and making driving almost impossible for all.
There's a giant minion in Omni.. Hell really is a place on earth
— Rachel (@shagaway) August 2, 2015
The situation was resolved quickly, though. The police was called and, together with some helpful passersby, they deflated the Minion and eventually brought it to safety using a wheelbarrow. This must have been a rather bizarre experience for police and commuters alike. As amusing as the whole incident was, people were quick to point out that the Minion balloon, appearing on a road like that, could have well caused an accident. This occurrence, therefore, shouldn't be taken lightly.
Escaped Minion at Omni in Santry may seem hilarious but its a dispicable breach of health & safety @DubCityCouncil — Cllr Paul McAuliffe (@PaulMcauliffe) August 3, 2015
Dublin City Councillor Paul McAuliffe stressed:
"I don't want to sound like a killjoy, but if that had landed on a cyclist, for instance, it could have been serious. If you take the Minion part of it out, if this was a large inflatable weather balloon that had not been properly tethered, there would be no humour in this story at all."
Whichever way you prefer to look at the situation, it is not likely that we'll get an epidemic of Minions flying into traffic soon.
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