Gmail might soon sport a new look. What to expect

Gmail is possibly introducing modifications in its user interface (UI) in the coming days, based on leaked photos from, said to be invited to have first glance at the new test appearance.

If we were to rely on the report, it appears Google is heading for big changes in its web-based Gmail, or more like an overhaul perhaps.

Early April, was also able to see upcoming modifications for the Gmail mobile client, which it reported to include new pin system, more tabs and muting or quieting email notifications. Now, the same mobile features were tested on the desktop version, which gave the impression of an entirely new UI from the prevailing interface we have on our bigger screens. The new look is said to function throughout a range of screen sizes, yet not losing its functionality.

At first impression, the new interface doesn't look too heavy and noisy with all those unnecessary tabs on the side and distracting notifications right on top of the screen. The new UI shows a brand new wide display for the email, but similarly supporting the ability to shrink or collapse the window, so there's still a slight peek at your Inbox should you need it at once.

The bars across the display were kind of stretched too, which provides a space for more information display. This can be of real use to individuals who prefer a more detailed appearance of the Inbox. Looking at the lower right hand corner of the screen, there are small images, or bubbles as calls it, which represent email creation and reminders list.

The yellow stars are also leaving the email spotlight it seems, with a new pin system replacing it. That's fine. They never seemed to shine in the current interface. Like the stars, the pin system reminds the user of an important message or provides focus on important emails.

"There's no expected release date for any of these features, or even a guarantee that Google will implement them in the way we see them in these images, but after spending a few minutes in this interface it is clear that Google is eager to shake things up in Gmail," reports.

Gmail users could only wait till Google officially lets the cat out of the mailbag. Or we could also maximize the use of the stars before its shine completely dies out in a pushpin.

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