First Gameplay Of 'Star Wars: Uprising' Shows Off Character Creation, Co-Op Multiplayer

This year is shaping up to be the year of Star Wars. From comics to book, video games to the new movie, the galaxy far, far away is making a big splash in nearly every form of entertainment.

When most gamers think of upcoming Star Wars video games, EA's multiplayer shooter Battlefront is likely to come to mind. There is, however, another game that will be making its debut later this year in the form of Star Wars: Uprising.

It will be the first continuity game that takes place after the events of Return of the Jedi and prior to The Force Awakens. After the death of the Emperor, the Anoat sector has been locked down by an Imperial blockade. It will fall to various rebels, freedom fighters and smugglers to break the Empire's grip on the region. Aside from that, we haven't heard much about the game, other than that it's a mobile title, there will be a beta for it soon and that it will be a cooperative action RPG.

Now we have our first look at the game in action, and it looks surprisingly cool. The game adopts the top-down action gameplay of a game like Blizzard's Diablo with the in-depth customization and loot of, well, Diablo.

Hey, there are worse sources of inspiration. Players roll around the environment, performing melee attacks and firing blasters to defeat the forces of the Empire. One departure is that players will have much more freedom in crafting a unique player character over Blizzard's action-RPG. In the trailer, we see the ability to choose from a variety of Star Wars races like Zabraks and Twi'leks, as well as humans, before the gameplay trailer dives into the inventory system. Looks like there will be plenty of items for players to experiment with, all color-coded according to rarity in typical RPG fashion.

It looks like the game could be fun, especially when played with friends. We will know for sure when the game releases later this year. You can sign up for the beta by heading over to the official Star Wars: Uprising website.

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