Mortal Kombat X #27 Review: Blood Reign

This Mortal Kombat X comic keeps getting bloodier and bloodier. Last issue featured a number of gruesome finishers as the battle against Reiko and Havik continues to escalate and issue #27 doesn't slown down the pace.

Johnny and Sonya are still locked in battle with Cassie and Jacqui and trying their best not to seriously harm their loved ones. Because Cassie and Jacqui are both possessed by blood magic, the two have been granted superhuman strength, and thus are able to withstand way more punishment than normal.

It's revealing to see how quickly Sonya sets aside her emotions while fighting her daughter while Johnny is much more hesitant. It's only after accepting the idea of Cassie and Jacqui's superhuman strength that he is willing to truly fight.

Ermac, Mileena and Kotal Kahn, on the other hand, have no problem going all out on Reiko. The fatality the group dished out to him last issue didn't phase the crazed, wanna-be emperor, becuase he more than willing to spill some backstory on his quest for the throne and partnership with Havik.

As far as prophecies go, Reiko's reason for wanting to rule Outworld isn't all the interesting, nor is his history with Havik. A magic statue each told them "Reiko's Blood Reigns" and so the two pair up to put Reiko on the throne.

Mileena and Kotal Kahn continue their favorite past time of ripping Reiko apart until finally the Thuder God himself arrives. Raiden is probably the worst defender Earth could ask for, as it seems like he usually does more harm than good. That certainly looks to be the case here, as a blood magic powered Raiden descends on the beach of Shang Tsung's. If Sonya and Johnny were having a hard time with superpowered versions of Cassie and Jacqui, their chances don't seem so great going up against Raiden.

This issue might not be as violent or as entertaining as the last couple of issues, but it moves the story forward and features some solid artwork from Daniel Sampere. His work is much cleaner than what we are used to from Dexter Soy, so it's a nice change of pace.

We've been waiting for this possessed Raiden to arrive for a while. Now that he has appeared things have escalated considerably, and that can only mean more bloody battles to come.







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