Never Park In Disabled Parking Space If You Know You Shouldn't: What Happens In Brazil Should Happen Everywhere [Video]

Disabled parking spaces are provided for the convenience of those who truly need them, and not just anyone. In Brazil, a guy learned the hard way that if you park where you're not supposed to, there will be consequences.

A video posted on YouTube shows a vehicle peppered with blue and white post-its. The people behind the stunt even made sure to add a giant disabled parking sign on the car, so that everyone knew that the driver of the vehicle took a spot clearly intended for someone else who had more need for the space.

The "punishment" is amusing but thinking about the inconvenience the driver would go through to get all of those post-its off his car made it satisfying. Nothing prepared onlookers, though, for the pleasure they would feel the moment the driver arrived to find his car in such a state.

There was no way he could save face now. The driver quickly tore away at the post-its in an attempt to clear his windscreen. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the post-its reliably stayed glued to the vehicle, forcing him to try several more times before finally being able to speed away.

Canal Boom, a group of Brazilian pranksters, have taken credit for the post-it stunt, releasing a video of their town chronicling how they achieved plastering a vehicle with post-its. Even better, their video shows a view of the driver's reaction.

A police officer had seen the group working on the car but allowed them to finish as one of them explained what they are doing. The officer was still there when the driver arrived and had tried talking to him. From the way the driver reacted, he still looked like he was trying to explain his way out of his infraction although clearly caught red-handed. Whether or not he got away without a ticket was unclear, however, because he had sped away while the police officer was still talking to him.

Even if he didn't get a ticket, though, he'll never live down the day he became an online sensation for a parking violation. That should teach him and everyone else a lesson on respecting disabled parking spaces.

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